
Appendix D

This appendix contains a transcript of a discussion between the two assignment authors, Megan Dick and Alastair Reynolds. The purpose of the discussion was to establish collaboratively what form the next stage of the assignment should take, having read each others' literature reviews. This included decisions on the research design and analysis methods.

NOTE: The discussion was carried out on ExcitePal, an Internet-based real-time communications program.

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- Discussion participants : Megan Dick and Al Reynolds -----------------
Al	Hi
Megan	Hey, the beep is back! Sorry about that ... someone phoned just 
	as I made my tea.
Al	That's fine I just finished reading Colin's mail
Megan	The webpages too?
Al	No
Al	There are a lot of them :[
Megan	Are there? I didn't even unzip it!
Al	Your mail was helpful (about headings)
Megan	Ok...just the beginning thoughts. Glad it helped!
Al	We could just clarify here about how our two bits of litrev go 
Megan	OK...you start. I seem to have forgotten everything we talked 
	about! I'm hopeless.........
Al	Not to worry! We started by saying that mine surveyed the past 
	situation with ...
Al	1. Background about why teachers should use ICT
Al	2. What official requirements are placed on teachers.
Al	What form should training take (basic skills vs. pedagogy)
Al	What areas previous questionnaires had covered.
Megan	And I have looked at the where teachers are in their skills 
	now....so we have to take that into account when we write our 
Al	Yours covers the stages of teachers' development with ICT
Al	and our questionnaire needs to be designed to take the stage our 
	schools are at into account]
Megan	And where questionnaires fit into the overall scheme of teacher 
	training (i.e. Passey's audit as a stage of change and evaluation 
	and Marjorie Budd's multi-level needs assessment)
Megan	(Hee! Just figured out where the Budd stuff fits!!!!!)
Al	It is interesting that the surveys actually form part of the 
	development process because they force teachers to be reflective
Megan	Right! And the training must take place, be evaluated and then 
	you are back to the audit stage again!
Al	So we can't really audit everything at once? Is that right? Do we 
	need to be more focused?
Megan	The questionnaire has to be manageable and understandable to 
Megan	many of whom have little or no ICT knowledge or skills.
Al	And must be appropriate to their level in the U-curve development 
	(or one of the other models you discussed)
Megan	I think the model from the From Now On article works the best.
Al	The one about pioneers and sages?
Megan	Figuring out where teachers are on that model seems to be the 
	most useful...the one about the Survival Stage, Mastery Stage, 
	Impact Stage and Innovation Stage .
Megan	Because I think that works with the NoF and TTA ideas of 
	pedagogical skills teachers need.
Al	Yes - he also says that if training is planned according to 
	teachers' position in the model then it will be effective.
Megan	Right...sounds good.
Al	Should we actually ask something in the questionnaire to 
	determine the stage?
Al	(that teachers are at)
Al	Or should we just ask them directly?
Megan	Well, it partly has to do with confidence, partly with competence 
	and partly with pedagogy. All three are in his stages...hmmm.
Al	The BT questionnaire has questions about confidence, and the TCT 
	one mixes the confidence ones with the competence ones.
Megan	We could pick one or two key things in his stages to ask about. 
	Could only be about 3 or 4 questions?
Megan	I think asking them directly would not work. The teachers might 
	not think they fit directly into the stages.
Al	Yes, and I think it fits quite well in the pedagogy section (or 
	possibly in a section about stage of development)
Megan	I like the BT approach better. But Passey isn't specific about 
	HOW he will fit people into stages, just that they must be 
Al	You mean having a separate section about confidence?
Megan	Passey does have one. I think it can either be a separate 
	section...or can be incorporated into the possible answers.
Al	You mean like in the TCT questionnaire - with the scale from not 
	competent through to confident?
Megan	I'm just checking out the From Now On guys questionnaire again to 
	see how he does it.......
Al	OK - I don't have that one
Megan	No, I got it later....it is at 
Al	I'm there ...
Megan	OK
Al	They seem to have a whole set of questions about the 
	Survival/Mastery/Impact/Innovation thing?
Al	But that's all I can find on confidence
Megan	He seems to mix confidence with comfort with technology and with 
	how teachers would prefer to learn.
Al	I'm not sure it's clear-cut enough to be useful ...
Megan	No...his ideas are but not his questionnaire... :-) Oh well.
Megan	Passey still seems to be the best at this bit.
Al	Confidence?
Megan	Yeah. His idea of a completely separate section.
Megan	TCT doesn’t seem to do the confidence bit at all, really.
Al	I think it includes it in the different ratings for generic 
	applications (0 to 5)
Megan	Yeah, you are right. I just saw that. I don't think we will get 
	very clear findings from it though.
Al	Why not?
Megan	Can we make up questions to fit the stages then?
Megan	We won't get two separate findings....like how confident they are 
	AND how competent. Teachers do tend to underrate their skills in 
	this area, I find.
Al	But don't they have to become competent _before_ they can be 
Megan	It could be a two tiered answer...like "Can you use Word?" Then 
	either, yes and no....and then another box with "I am confident 
	with it" or not.
Al	But if they can't use word, how can they be confident with it?
Megan	Ohhh.yeah. *blush*
Megan	OK, then maybe the confidence part has more to do with teachers' 
	attitudes to technology, like the sages and reluctants.
Megan	So do you like the TCT approach? Or the Passey one?
Al	I think we can combine the initial questions about confidence 
	from Passey/BT with some questions on the Stages in the FromNowOn 
	model and get an idea of their developmental stage and their 
Megan	That sounds good. It will be its own separate section then, 
Al	Then when we look at the basic skills we should use a scale like 
	the one in the TCT one because it progresses through competence 
	to confidence
Al	What do you reckon?
Megan	Hmmm. Let me look....
Al	Probably different wording on ratings 0 to 5
Megan	I'm comparing it to Passey....
Al	change confident in ratings 2 and 3 to competent
Al	add confidently into ratings 4 and 5
Megan	Passey does the same, but with less choices.
Al	but I think the choices in the TCT questionnaire would be OK with 
	some modification, would you like to take any out?
Megan	I think they just need to be modified to go with the stages....
Megan	The TCT ones are good because they go from one who knows nothing 
	to one who can teach others to use a program.
Al	But I thought the stages were more general and related to 
Al	ish
Megan	No, they have all three things together......competence, 
	confidence AND pedagogy.
Megan	Confused yet???? :-)
Al	Yep - shall I propose what I think we're moving towards and you 
	can pull it to pieces?
Megan	*vigorous nod*
Megan	(I'm reworking my headings.....btw)
Al	SECTION 1 : Questions to determine stage in FromNowOn model - 
	allowing for teachers to be at different stages in different 
Al	This will be based on the FromNowOn model and would include 
	section on confidence a la Passey
Al	SECTION 2 : Questions on use of ICT to determine training needs
Al	Content of this section from NOF docs and ratings from TCT - but 
	modified so that scale runs from no competence to confidence to 
	teach others.
Megan	hmmm - don’t we need some other stuff?
Al	but other section as well sorry! finished for what we discussed 
	so far
Megan	OK, section two will then also have to do with confidence......?
Al	need pedagogy section a la Passey as well
Megan	Not just what technology teachers need specific training in?
Al	BT/Passey does this ... I can use on-screen menus / I am 
	confident using on-screen menus.
Megan	Right, so the two (comp and conf) will be intertwined in a way.
Al	Yes
Al	The TCT ratings help place teachers more accurately in a 
Al	But we are not assessing confidence through section 2 - it is 
	part of seeing how competent teachers are
Megan	OK, hard question. From the results, how will a training program 
	be created?
Al	Look for areas of common need amongst teachers.
Al	Our next assignment could be planning a training programme for 
	our schools - we don't have to do it in this one.
Megan	So by placing them in a stage, we will know how confident and 
	competent teachers are and where they need to be trained.
Al	But we do have to think about whether our results are useful
Megan	Yep.
Al	The planning of a training programme will partly be based on 
	organisational needs and partly on individual needs
Megan	OK, section three....somehow subject specific info must be asked 
	about....and what to do about pedagogy?
Megan	OK, that sounds right.
Megan	Passey has part about organising ICT use in a classroom.
Al	I think that how teachers use IT in their own subjects is like 
	Curricular Content (Shulman)
Megan	Looking that up....
Al	and how they organise and teach with it is Pedagogical content 
	(also Shulman)
Megan	TCT leaves pedagogy out entirely.
Al	but in our case we can’t ask subject specific questions (yet) but 
	we could try and create some generic subject questions
Al	and combine these with pedagogy questions based on NOF 
Al	Questions like : Do you know about software specific to your 
	subject? / Would you like to know about software specific to your 
Megan	The questions Passey has about organising ICT use in a classroom 
	deals with pedagogy and is small part of questionnaire.
Al	BTW Claire says you're missing ER
Megan	I know! Just a few more minutes....!!!!
Al	We ought to get this finished ;-)
Al	Do you think the 'curricular' and 'pedagogy' sections should be 
	combined or separate?
Megan	Separate.
Megan	So....
Megan	SECTION 1 : Questions to determine stage in FromNowOn model - 
	allowing for teachers to be at different stages in different 
Megan	SECTION 2 : Questions on use of ICT to determine training needs
Megan	Section Three: pedagogy a la Passey's use or organising 
Megan	Section four: Some generic subject questions......Questions like: 
	Do you know about software specific to your subject? / Would you 
	like to know about software specific to your subject?
Megan	FINISHED?????
Al	So we will be able to find out : (1) level of confidence / stage 
	of development (2) skills training needs (3) pedagogy training 
	needs ish (4) subject training needs
Megan	And section one is like Passey's confidence one....
Al	which is what we need to design a good training programme
Megan	NOD
Megan	I like this!!!!
Al	I think we've actually worked it out!
Megan	(Will send you redone lit rev and headings after ER. :)
Megan	Does it sound OK to you????
Al	Yep
Megan	Geez...don;t sound TOO excited!
Megan	hee
Megan	Have we finished?
Al	Do you have a minute to call me (the break is about to start)
Megan	Ok...will log off then.
Al	I'll save this one.
Al	Bye
Megan	I saved it too, just in case.
Megan	Bye!
- End of transcript ----------------------------------------------------

Assignment Quick Links
Title Page | Introduction | Contents | Literature Review (Part I) | Literature Review (Part II)
Research Design | Analysis (Part I) | Analysis (Part II) | Conclusions | References | Appendices