This page was compiled from two separate reference pages written by Megan Dick and Alastair Reynolds
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Because of the transient nature of web-based resources, some of the on-line references may be out of date. Every effort was taken to make sure that they were correct at the time of writing.
Bassey, M. (1981) ‘Pedagogic research: on the relative merits of search for generalization and study of single events.’ Oxford Review of Education, 7(1), 73-93.
BECTA, 1998. Connecting Schools, Networking People DRAFT VERSION: ICT Planning, Purchasing and Good Practice Guidance for the National Grid for Learning [online]. Coventry: BECTA. Available from: http://www.becta.org.uk/temps/connecting/ [Accessed 5 May 1998].
Bell, J. (1987) Doing Your Research Project : A Guide for First-time Researchers in Education and Social Science Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Benton Foundation, 1997. An Education Teaching Agenda [online]. Washington: Benton Foundation. Available from: http://www.benton.org/Library/Schools/two.html [Accessed 16 April 1998].
Blair, Tony, 1997. Foreword by the Prime Minister. Connecting the Learning Society: The Government's consultation paper on the National Grid for Learning - a summary [online]. United Kingdom: DfEE. Available from: http://www.open.gov.uk/dfee/grid/foreword.htm [Accessed 4 May 1998].
Davis, N. (1992) Reflecting on Professional Development for Information Technology: in-depth support. In Somekh, B. (Ed.) DITTE (1) : Case Studies in Staff Development and Student Experience Coventry: NCET.
Davis, N. (1997) Strategies for staff and institutional development for IT in education: An integrated approach. In Somekh, B. and Davis, N. (Eds.) Using Information Technology effectively in Teaching and Learning: Studies in Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education London and New York: Routledge.
DFE (1995) Information Technology in the National Curriculum London: HMSO.
DfEE, 1997. Targets and Output Measures. Connecting the Learning Society: The Government's consultation paper on the National Grid for Learning - a summary [online]. United Kingdom: DfEE. Available from: http://www.open.gov.uk/dfee/grid/target.htm [Accessed 4 May 1998].
Donnelly, J. (1996) IT and Schools Kingston-upon-Thames: Croner Publications Ltd.
Geisert, P. and Futrell, M. (1990) Teachers, Computers, and Curriculum : Microcomputers in the Classroom Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Harris, V. (1992) How do Student Teachers Respond to Using IT in Language Teaching and what Support do they Need. In Somekh, B. (Ed.) DITTE (4) : Course Development in Information Technology Coventry: NCET.
Hitchcock, G. and Hughes, D. (1995) Research and the Teacher : A Qualitative Introduction to School-based Research London and New York: Routledge.
Horton, A. (1992) Exploring Information Technology for Teaching and Learning in the Humanities. In Somekh, B. (Ed.) DITTE (1) : Case Studies in Staff Development and Student Experience Coventry: NCET.
Kirkman C., 1998. Task 4 in Using ICT effectively in teaching course materials. [online]. From: The Development of Information Technology in Secondary Schools under the National Curriculum. PhD Thesis. University of Exeter. Available from: http://telematics.ex.ac.uk/VSC/coursework/ict-int/Tools_Menu.htm [Accessed April 15 1998].
Kopp, Dr. O. W. and Dr. Kay E. Ferguson, 1996. Teacher Training: Helping to Construct the Information Highway. T.H.E. Journal [online], Feature 5, 1996. Available from: http://www.thejournal.com [Accessed 25 March 1998].
McDougall, Anne and David Squires, 1997. A Framework for Reviewing Teacher Professional Development Programmes in Information Technology. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education [online], 6 (2). Available from: http://www.triangle.co.uk/jit-06-2.htm [Accessed
McRel, 1997. Appendix A: Professional Development Models [online]. Colorado: McRel. Available from: http://www.mcrel.org/products/prodev/appena.html [Accessed 17 April 1998].
McRel, 1997. Exhibit A: Short-Term Professional Development Checklist [online]. Colorado: McRel. Available from: http://www.mcrel.org/products/prodev/exhiba.html [Accessed 17 April 1998].
Tripp, D. (1993) Critical Incidents in Teaching London: Routledge
TTA (1998) Initial Teacher Training National Curriculum for the use of Information and Communications Technology in Subject Teaching Document at consultation stage (April 1998).