Appendix I

This appendix contains a transcript of a discussion between the two assignment authors, Megan Dick and Alastair Reynolds. The purpose of the discussion was to compare and contrast each others' cases studies and analyses, and to jointly reflect on and discuss their findings.

NOTE: The discussion was carried out on ExcitePal, an Internet-based real-time communications program.

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- Discussion participants : Megan Dick and Al Reynolds -----------------
Al	Hi Megan how are you?
Megan	Fine
Al	I think we should be pleased that we've almost finished our
	assignment - and I'm well thank you
Al	Your pages look great.
Megan	Thanks. Again, our work seems to mesh quite well.
Al	Yes - although our cases were quite different
Megan	It is finished pretty much! All appendices and formatting etc.
Al	Did you get the comments I mailed you?
Megan	Oh, yeah. Hang on, haven't had a chance to read them.
Al	Anyway, we ought to decide what this discussion is for - any
Al	I thought it would be good to look at what we've gained from
	doing the assignment (personal development)
Megan	To figure out our joint conclusion. I think that we considered
	very different cases of staff development, so we should figure
	out a way of looking at them.
Al	I guess the three factors were the common theme, although it's
	becoming clear that they come in different measures
Megan	Yeah, but that can be explained by the different stages we were
	at on the Passey and Ridgeway scale.
Al	And that things aren't as clear cut as we'd sometimes like them
	to be.
Megan	Should we put a bit in about how we found writing an assignment
	like this? And how useful ExcitePal was for documenting
Al	I guess we could talk generally about what we've learnt by
	doing the research
Al	I found the electronic communication a useful way to work
Megan	OK...topics for discussion then. 1) Personal development
	2) case comparison 3) Format of assignment
Megan	Though not necessarily in that order?
Al	By format of assignment do you mean style of working?
Megan	Yes.
Al	So (1) Case comparison (2) Style of working
	(3) Personal development
Al	Our cases are pretty different but the models still seemed to
	be appropriate (just at different levels)
Megan	Yes, exactly. I found that the three factors for assessment
	were more relevant to your case, as my staff has not
	progressed as far.
Al	But both our cases are following Passey & Ridgeway's phases
	fairly closely (at different stages)
Al	The interesting thing for me was that there are so many
	factors which influence each situation and make it different.
Al	Do you think we can actually draw concrete conclusions from
	cases like these?
Megan	No, probably not. Well, maybe. We can definitely compare
	the cases and learn from them ourselves. We did draw
	conclusions, but those were our personal ones on our pages.
Al	And I suppose someone else in a similar situation would be
	able to relate to them and learn from them as well.
Megan	Well, we have basically tried to analyse our cases based on
	the relevant research. That is useful, as all concrete case
	studies can add something.
Al	So the cases speak for themselves really - we shouldn't feel
	we have to come up with some big discovery - a large part of
	the benefit will be to ourselves (and possibly others in
	similar situations)
Megan	Right. Our assignment was reflection.
Al	yes.
Megan	So, is the address now /assignment/index.htm?
Al	yes
Al	but you can leave off the index.htm
Al	but not all browsers will find it
Megan	Oh...OK, so will leave it in.
Al	anyway, what about (2) Style of working - have you found
	it easy working collaboratively or on-line?
Megan	It has gotten easier. We should have spent more time
	collaboratively working on the on-line format. I think we
	spent too long doing that at the beginning rather than
	agreeing a format and then formatting our pages.
Megan	On-line is not a problem for me. :)
Al	no - me neither - and it's quite a good medium for working
Megan	You build up a record of exchanges through e-mail and
	chatting that is very useful
Megan	It is also extremely easy to share work by e-mailing it each
Al	but you definitely need to be Internet-literate or you could
	easily get bogged down.
Megan	And be used to this style of chat.
Al	I think planning is important when collaborating -like you said
	about the formatting
Megan	But this was a first time!
Megan	And I am really pleased with what we have produced.
Al	and we've managed to get it finished in time.
Megan	Ahead of time!
Al	hopefully it will be useful to others on the courses
Megan	Should we mail Paul with the suggestion that all use ExcitePal?
Al	yes
Megan	I'll mail him then.
Al	have you found any disadvantages of working on-line?
Megan	Can't actually think of any.
Al	again I think it would have made a difference if we hadn't
	been so comfortable with the systems, or if we hadn't been of
	a roughly similar level of ability.
Megan	Or had compatible specialities.
Megan	Is the working on-line part of our assignment? I guess it is
	in the sphere of reflection.
Al	Should we mention that knowing each other well beforehand can
Megan	Dunno....hmm.
Al	Although I think we would have been OK even if we hadn’t met
	because of the fact we use the net so much.
Megan	It has made a big difference. But I think we would have gotten
	on well if we had just met.
Megan	Touche!
Megan	I was going to add... because we are always on-line.
Al	Apparently we are telepathic :)
Megan	Just finished reading changes....Not too many! What did you
	think of the ones I sent you?
Al	I added them in
Megan	I think we have written some worthwhile stuff!
Al	PS you spelt something wrong in the appendices - COMPETANT
	should be COMPETENT :)
Megan	Yeah, Appendix D right?
Al	I think so
Al	It actually reads quite well - and we'll end up with very
	close to 8000 words.
Megan	Now? Or with the conclusion?
Al	With the conclusion.
Megan	Were the changes to appendix.htm OK?
Al	Yes they were fine
Megan	OK...where were we.
Al	Anyway - that just about covers (2) - let's do (3) - Personal
	development - what have we learned / gained?
Megan	I have learned a lot about how to plan a staff development
Al	Yes - and I've realised that every situation is complex and
	has to be dealt with individually
Megan	I have also learned how long the process of innovation can be.
	This is easy to ignore as you merrily go along reading
	government documents.
Al	I feel I've learnt a lot about research methods and how to do
Megan	OK...and that staff development has to be specifically
	targeted to the people involved or it will be useless.
Al	coming from a maths background means the qualitative paradigm
	is all new to me
Megan	I knew before that a high level of support was needed after
	training, and was surprised that his was not dealt with more
	in the literature.
Al	Chapter 18 has some stuff on it - as do the DITTE texts
Megan	They do have *some*. But it is often not dwelt on very much
	and I do feel that it has a major role to play.
Al	I think support is probably the *most* important because
	it's the on-going one.
Megan	Yes, learned lots about research methods. and what was
Al	And not acceptable :)
Al	I think I'll be much more prepared for the next assignment -
	this one has been quite a steep learning curve.
Megan	Huge learning curve.
Megan	You have to be very good at independent learning to do well
	at this type of studying.
Al	I think it's the first time that I've done almost completely
	independent learning.
Al	I think one thing we've certainly implemented well is peer
Megan	Yes, that goes hand in hand with our compatible strengths.
Al	So we make a good group and ought to stick together.
Al	Perhaps we will publish papers together someday ;)
Al	Anyway - I think we've covered the ground we need to.
Al	I'll format up this document and send you it so you can
	summarise it for the conclusions.
Megan	Okay then.
Al	Shall we do what we did in the last one and just sum up here?
Megan	Right.
Al	OK - so I'll type the area (e.g. style of working) then we each
	add thoughts then type 'DONE' and then do the next one - OK?
Megan	OK.
Al	(1) Points from comparison of cases.
Al	Models apply but at different levels and stages.
Megan	Depending on progress of particular case. But all parameters
	applied to both cases and made comparing them interesting.
Al	Situations are very complex and need to be dealt with
Megan	And need to consider all factors to make a coherent staff
	development plan.
Megan	Also, we did pick out very useful factors to use in our
Al	No need to draw concrete conclusions from case - value is in
	study/reflection and relatability to others' situations.
Megan	DONE
Al	(2) Style of working. (on-line and collaborative)
Al	I found that on-line working suits collaborative work,
Megan	Basic ways of working collaboratively on assignment found,
	like making sure to do formatting first and then add this to
	the pages we have written.
Al	Having Internet skills beforehand a definite advantage.
Al	Planning is important when working collaboratively.
Megan	ExcitePal is very useful in this style of work, as
	conversations can be recorded. One can also look at the work
	being referred to at the same time.
Al	Much easier than transcribing discussions or interviews.
Megan	You need to spend time becoming comfortable with the medium
	in order to use it to its full advantage.
Megan	Also provides good record of collaborative work.
Megan	You do need to spend quite a bit of time on-line, or this
	medium does not work.
Al	I think the fact we were comfortable with it was more
	important than the fact we knew each other beforehand.
Al	Absolutely right about time on-line.
Al	And tutors need to also.
Megan	Yes, and the fact that we both were willing and able to
	spend time chatting and comparing our work.
Al	And work pretty hard.
Megan	You need to check regularly with each other. When this happens,
	as did with us, you get pieces of work, done separately that
	mesh very well.
Megan	DONE
Al	(3) What have we learned/gained?
Al	Much greater understanding of the qualitative research
Megan	That a staff development program MUST take the users needs
	into account, and should train people how to use an
	application that is relevant.
Megan	Rather than just how to use computers.
Al	That it is always dangerous to assume things will happen as
	you expect because everything is so complex.
Megan	The process of introducing and assimilating an innovation
	takes a while if all people are to be included.
Megan	Exactly.
Megan	You also need to figure out the exact level of expertise of
	the people who need training before you begin.
Al	How peer tutoring can be effective in our context (as in us
	doing assignment)
Al	That theory can be a useful reference point from which to
	consider personal experience.
Megan	And that doing an assignment collaboratively can be twice as
	useful, especially when trying out new styles of learning.
Al	Practical experience of web design.
Megan	Experience of how to write a paper in 3D rather than linear.
Megan	Did that make sense?
Al	Kind of hypertext rather than linear text.
Megan	Yeah, that is it.
Megan	DONE
Al	I'll edit this up then send it to you so you can do the
	conclusions in jnt_conc.htm
Megan	I'll fix and upload the other pages meanwhile...before I get to my marking and planning.
Al	OK - better go now.
Megan	Bye!
Al	Cya.
- End of transcript ----------------------------------------------------

Assignment Quick Links
Title Page | Introduction | Contents | Off-line Literature Review | On-line Literature Review
Introduction to Cases | Case Study X | Case Study Y | Conclusions | References | Appendices