University of Exeter - School of Education B.Phil / M.Ed Modular Degree Programme
Learning Effectively with ICT - G161 Summer 1998 Professor Niki Davis
Evaluation of effectiveness in two case studies of learning using IT
Submitted by: Alastair Reynolds and Megan Dick Previous modules undertaken : G162

Assignment Introduction and Contents
The content of this page was agreed by both authors and the page was written by Alastair Reynolds.


The focus of this assignment is the effectiveness of learning using IT. Each author chose an activity from their subject area to evaluate and reviewed a selection of relevant literature. The activities were carried out with pupils from two secondary schools and research data was collected. The data was analysed and conclusions were drawn about factors which contributed to effectiveness.

Assignment Layout

This assignment was completed collaboratively, so to clarify who was responsible for each web page the appropriate author's name is included at the top of the web page. Some web page content has been produced as a result of discussion between the two authors, and in these cases a transcript of the discussion may be found in the Appendices. The contents list below contains links to all the web pages in the project, as well as links to subsections within those pages.

You can jump to any particular page from the contents page below, but it is most likely that you will wish to begin reading the assignment at the literature review for case X or the literature review for case Y.


Links displayed in bold are to individual web pages.
Links in normal type are to subsections of those pages.

Title Page
Introduction and Contents
Assignment Layout
Literature Review for Case X
Situated learning
Experiential learning
Engaged learning
Literature Review for Case Y
Research Context
Theories of teaching and learning
Impact of learning theories on use of ICT
Effectiveness of teaching and learning using ICT
Issues relating to this study
Introduction to the Case Studies
Brief description of cases
Outline research plan
Case Study X
Description of activity
Data collection method
Conclusions and personal reflection
Case Study Y
Research context
Access and ethical considerations
Description of activity
Data collection and analysis methods
Personal reflection
Final Conclusions
Combined Conclusions
Personal Reflections

Assignment Quick Links
Title Page | Introduction | Contents | Case X Literature Review | Case Y Literature Review
Introduction to Cases | Case Study X | Case Study Y | Conclusions | References | Appendices